When you have a situation that stirs up negative emotions such as worry, frustration, anxiety, or anger, ask yourself this important question,“Do I have control over this situation?” If your answer is yes, other options may be available to you. Begin formulating a list on paper or a mental list of appropriate responses to handle the situation.

For example; You are staying up at night worrying about a possible reduction in hours at your workplace and money is tight.  Ask yourself: what can I do about this?  Make your list of possibilities:  Ask the supervisor or knowledgeable source if the information is correct.  Add another skill to your resume to make yourself more marketable.  Make sure you are spending your income wisely.

Take time to picture the outcome of each possible response and choose the overall best available option. If you do not have control over the situation, then recognize that you may just have to let it take its course or alert someone who does have control.  Practicing this strategy offers you options and you can avoid unnecessary emotional turmoil.